Teresa Sancoy Sacach

Head Cook

Teresa is originally from San Marcos La Laguna, she has known Escuela Caracol since its foundation in 2007, and since then she has been working as the main cook managing the kitchen, shopping and making nutritious menus for all the students and staff.

Teresa enjoys cooking for everyone, she has the experience of cooking for more than 13o people daily, she is very organized, she likes to joke, smile, and see the children coming to the kitchen asking for more food.  She also enjoys embroidery, watching sports and having a nice cup of coffee with her family and friends.

Her older children graduated from Escuela Caracol and her youngest daughter is currently in kindergarten.

She loves Escuela Caracol because she considers it her second home.

Ana Natalia Puzul Sacach

Kitchen assistant

Ana is 34 years old, she is originally from San Marcos La Laguna, and since 2021 she knows Caracol School, her two daughters study here, Flori in 4th grade and Amari in kindergarten.  

She enjoys knitting in her free time and makes huipil embroidery for sale.  She currently works at Escuela Caracol as a kitchen assistant for the elementary school.

For Ana, Escuela Caracol is very nice and her daughters like studying here very much.  She considers it a good education because it is different and there is everything: English, nature and the food is very tasty and nutritious.

“We cook a lot and very tasty, the children like everything.”

Nicolás Sacach Mendoza

Facilities & Grounds Coordinator (May 12, 2007 – January 18, 2012)

Nicolas worked at Escuela Caracol from its founding in 2007 until his death on January 18, 2012. He had been managing this property for eleven years. He grew and harvested coffee and corn. He was born in San Marcos La Laguna, where he his survived by his his wife and five children. He enjoyed fishing and swimming from his kayak with his sons. He left behind a remarkable imprint on Escuela Caracol; some of these projects include: all of the flowers and fruit trees, the animals and their pens, the winding stone pathways, the stone walls and cane fencing, the playground areas, the soccer field, a spiral stone labyrinth, the construction of two classrooms including tile mosaic work and an assortment of wooden furniture, the office, two composting toilets, the kitchen, two storage bodegas, and the night watchman’s room, where he slept for the past year. He loved to create, whether with stone, earth or watercolor paints.