Jocotes and Barriletes Festival.

The school is charged with color and laughter once again!

The colorful kites dancing through the air revealing the careful work of the children.

The trees, with an abundance of jocotes showing all the colors, from a strong green to a red-orange, inviting to climb along the branches.

This is the reason for the joyful meeting of families, friends, and children, inviting to share happiness, smiles, and delicious recipes prepared by each of the grade families.

Let’s enjoy all together!

G. Londoño

Waldorf100 celebration at Escuela Caracol

Last Friday, September 27Th, students and teachers got together to have a moment for learning and celebrating the 100th anniversary of Waldorf Pedagogy. Our special guest, Thomas Wildgruber, gave some words introducing the celebration and was followed by the screening of a series of videos of our school. The experience of seeing each other projected on the screen was very special and fun for everyone.
The activity ended when everyone sang “Caracol está presente”, a song composed by our teacher Diego Sacach in commemoration for the Wadorf100.

As part of the celebration, We also had some delicious “tamales” for lunch; the “tamales” were part of a kind donation made by the Waldorf schools of Freiburg, in Germany, that got together to celebrate the Waldorf100 and had some informative and fundraising activities to help support our wonderful Escuela Caracol.

We want to especially thank our dear teacher Petra Michelle, who is always looking for ways to help our school and was the main promotor of the previously described donation.

Mayan Ceremony for the beginning of the construction of the new classrooms

Last Monday, September the second, we held a very special ceremony celebrating the start of the construction of the new classrooms unit for our students.

Every opportunity to show the appreciation we have for our community and friends is priceless. This is why today we thank all the people that, one way or another, supports Escuela Caracol. It is thanks to you that year after year we continue nurturing heads, hearts, and hands of our beloved Caracolitos and Caracolitas, it is also thanks to you that today we are starting this new project with the sole intention of offering a space full of love and respect for each of our Caracolitos and Caracolitas.

Thank you, family! Matiox Ajaw!