Entries by f.pineda

Science is fun!

Our Sixth-grade students, within their mechanical-physics block, have learned many different principles using amusing and fun scientific experiments as tools. On this occasion, within the subject: states of matter, they conducted an experiment using a balloon, a glass bottle, hot and freezing water. The idea was to inflate a balloon taking advantage o the reaction […]

First assembly of the year, Asociación Caracol.

Recently, we had the Asociación Caracol’s first assembly of the year. During the meeting, the board presented very important information regarding the finances of the school.  Colleen Donovan, the treasurer of the board, presented the 2019 financial report as well as Escuela Caracol’s budget for 2020 and the highlights of our recently concluded Annual Campaign. […]

Pen-Pal exchange with Colombia’s Luis Horacio Gómez Waldorf School.

During last year’s November, the group of Caracolitos that, back then, were in third grade, started a Pen-Pal exchange with the third graders from Luis Horacio Gomez School, in Cáli, Colombia. The letters arrived and were received with joy by the group of Colombian students that almost immediately wrote the responses to be sent back […]

I was waiting so anxiously for this day!

Today I gave a huge step forward, along with my parents and friends I must pass through the last test before starting my primary: stepping across the welcoming tunnel where I will receive love and joy from all the bigger Caracolitos. I will surmount the obstacles among the others, but by my very own means. […]

First family meeting of the year

Recently, we had the first family meeting of the 2020 school year. We all got together to share a fun afternoon where we had the chance to learn about many different subjects regarding our school. We sang, danced, and wrote our most special wishes for the present year. We want to share these pictures with […]

Welcome to our community!

January the seventeenth was a special day for everyone at Escuela Caracol, it was the day when we welcomed for the first time all the new families of our community. The spark in the eyes of every parent as they were imagining their happy children being holistically nurtured in our gardens and classrooms was priceless. […]

The girl of the lamp

Here we are presenting you a traditional Waldorf tale, recounted exactly the way it is told in the classroom to our students. We hope you enjoy it.

Asociación Caracol – New Board members where elected.

Asociación Caracol recently had its last Regular Assembly of 2020, where new members of the board were elected. Asociación Caracol is the legal body that represents the interests of the Escuela Caracol community. It is formed by members of the community, friends of Escuela Caracol, school parents, and teachers. During the last regular assembly, three […]