
Pedagogy and Multiculturality

Recently, three of our dear teachers participated of an interview for the “Prensa de Occidente” regional newspaper, in which they were invited to share their experience with subjects such as pedagogy and multiculturality.

Friends and ambassadors.

Kim D’Angelo is a person who has earned a very important place in the heart of Escuela Caracol. She is a Spanish teacher at the Emerson Waldorf School in North Carolina, Year after year she organizes a trip with students from various Waldorf Schools from the United States to visit our school, Kim is also […]

Escuela Caracol will never be left alone.

“Love starts when we push aside our ego and make room for someone else.” R. Steiner These times have been difficult for everyone in the world. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected, some way or the other, each of the activities carried out by all of us. These are strange times, but as difficult as they […]

An oasis for the Bees.

One of our priorities regarding the nurturing of our students is to promote the connection they can achieve with nature by being in constant contact with the environment that surrounds us; This contact helps them develop highly important academic knowledge as well as a special sensitivity regarding our Mother Earth. Our primary students had a […]

We’ll be back in the classrooms soon. (Song)

A few weeks after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and the beginning of the restrictions, our Pedagogical Director, Gloria Elena Londoño, and our Music  Teacher and Primary Director, Diego Sacach, came up with the idea of ​​recording a song as a gift for our students and their families. We meet one morning in the […]

Kindergarten, cooking and eating tortillas.

We want to give you a glimpse from our students point of view of a regular day at our kindergarten classroom. Today, our Caracolitos and Caracolitas will be cooking tortillas to be eaten later accompanied with tomato sauce and cheese. Zoe and Carolina will be the journey’s narrators, you will easily realize why Escuela Caracol […]

Teaching fractions in fourth grade.

Waldorf Pedagogy aims at integrally nurturing its students according to the development stages they are passing through; these stages are divided into septenniums matching with physiological, psychological, and mood changes. The fourth-grade group is currently passing through the second septennium. Some of the students are still on an authority confronting stage, the rest already passed […]