One of our priorities regarding the nurturing of our students is to promote the connection they can achieve with nature by being in constant contact with the environment that surrounds us; This contact helps them develop highly important academic knowledge as well as a special sensitivity regarding our Mother Earth.
Our primary students had a wonderful experience at the beginning of the school-cycle. Together, with their teacher Santiago, they began a journey to the world of bees.
It all started when students researched and shared, with their classmates, many interesting facts about such important beings. They read and researched a lot, they also consulted their parents, grandparents and other relatives; The region in Lake Atitlán where San Marcos La Laguna is located is recognized for its apiaries and for the quality of the products derived from the bees it produces.
A few days later, many of the groups visited a local apiary, where they had a glance at how bees live and work.
The students also planted a diversity of flowers in our garden, this, in order to turn Escuela Caracol into an attractive place for our little friends.
The original plan was that throughout these first months of the year, the first-grade and second-grade groups would plant the flowers, third-grade would collect honey at a local apiary, fourth-grade would make various products derived from the hive, and fourth and fifth would carry out various projects researching more information related to bees.
We hope that once the restrictions are over, our little Caracolitos will continue with this wonderful learning experience.