Entries by f.pineda

Lights at la Palapa

The “Palapa” is one of those landmarks at Escuela Caracol that everyone knows. There, we hold reunions, assemblies, artistic shows, workshops, among many other activities. During the last few months, our dear Chico has been focusing his efforts to the Palapas renewal. He fixed the surrounding borders and installed the new lights system that includes four […]

Kim’s annual visit.

A few weeks ago, we received the visit of an exemplary teacher, Kim D’Angelo, who, among an unforgettable group of students, arrives each year at Escuela Caracol to spread lots of love and friendship through workshops, g ames, and joy.  The volunteering tasks they perform, go from gardening to imparting artistic workshops to our Caracolitos. You bring […]

Winak Ye Kemon, weaving community.

During Augusts second week, Escuela Caracol hosted the First Waldorf International Encounter “Winak Ye Kemon”; On this edition, It had the special participation, as panelists, of our dear friends from “Luis Horacio Gómez School”, from Cali, Colombia. Our Colombian visitors imparted workshops to introduce the participants to the formation process and the overall work of […]

The New Classrooms:

It has been one month since the Classroom Building Fundraising Campaign ended. The final amount raised equals $27,169.09; enough funds to build the new complex that will be hosting two new classrooms for our students. We reached this amount thanks to the marvelous support of many friends of Escuela Caracol; we want to show our […]

Cuernavaca 2019, Waldorf Pedagogical journeys

As an important part of the permanent pedagogical training, our dear Diego, Emiliana, and Santiago went to Cuernavaca, Mexico, to be part of the annual Waldorf formation journeys. These courses are imparted once a year. Teachers from all over the continent gather during July to share, learn, and grow as tutors. All the staff of […]

Weaving time!

(Gallery) The third-grade students had a fun and interesting visit by Dominga, the mother of Morelia, their teacher. She is an expert traditional weaver and came to school to share amazing moments and her knowledge with the third graders. This happened within the block of crafts and occupations.

This is for you!

It has been twelve years already since this journey began. It feels like a dream when you realize how many stories have been told and how many lives have been affected positively since this project began, back then, in a small room, and fueled by nothing but a bunch of children playing while their parents […]

Twelve years nurturing heads, hearts, and hands of children.

Recently, we celebrated the twelfth anniversary of Escuela Caracol. It was a fun journey that began with a Mayan Ceremony and was followed by amazing presentations from our students; the Rally, where families participated; the lunchtime, where we shared a delicious “tamal de arroz”; and the cake. Teachers Sandra and Emiliana were the hostesses of […]

And this is where plants come from!

To know and understand the way the natural cycles work is a basic part of becoming a fully developed human being. Recently, both of our kindergarten groups shared a small frame of land with the purpose of planting seeds. The land was previously prepared by Chico, the head gardener of our school; it was with […]

First Grade Flutes Delivery Act:

Every year something special happens in the first-grade classroom, the “flute delivery act” takes place. This is a ceremony where the music teacher delivers the flute to each of the students, setting up the path to learning how to play a melodic instrument. Everything began a few days before when the teacher told a story […]