Kaqchikel Language in Escuela Caracol

The most valuable inheritance from our mayan ancestors is the culture that has developed surrounding our language. At Escuela Caracol we look to promote it to strengthen the communication process with the local kaqchikel population in San Marcos la Laguna.

At Escuela Caracol, action and exchange has build up based on respect an appreciation of cultural diversity, thats why the study of mayan languages is taken as an educational process within the life of children with the idea of strengthen our cultural roots with the purpose of achieving common wealth end the growth of our people.

On each grade or level the pedagogical approach used to teach kaqchikel depends specifically of the age and phase the students are passing through.

During the first three grades of primary school, students enter the classroom listening, singing and playing; they develop creative crafts among other activities through which the learning of the language is socialized in a very special and natural way.

As from the fourth grade, children write and read the language, understand and communicate in Kaqchikel; they learn through the development of a more complex creative process that involves thinking, feeling and wanting, both in social activities inside and outside of school.


Ervin Quiacain Sajbin

Maestro titular de segundo primaria